How to Trap a Mountain Lion

Last Updated on March 23, 2023 by Robinellis

You will need a large cage trap to catch a mountain lion. Bait the trap with meat or another animal that will lure the cat inside. Once the animal is in the trap, cover it with a tarp or blanket to calm it down.

You can then transport the mountain lion to a new location and release it.

  • Find a mountain lion den
  • You can look for clues like large piles of dirt or rocks outside the entrance to the den, or you can track the animal to its lair
  • Set up a trap near the den, using bait that will attract the mountain lion, such as a deer carcass
  • Once the mountain lion is in the trap, you can either relocate it or put it down

Mountain Lion Traps for Sale

If you’re looking for mountain lion traps for sale, then you’ve come to the right place. Here at Trapper Joe’s, we have a wide selection of traps to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a small trap to catch a single animal or a large trap to catch multiple animals, we have what you need.

We also have a variety of different sizes and styles of traps, so you can find the perfect fit for your property and your budget. When it comes to choosing a mountain lion trap, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider the size of the animal you’re trying to catch.

If you’re only after small game, then a smaller trap will do just fine. But if you’re after larger prey, then you’ll need something bigger. Second, think about where on your property you’ll be setting the trap.

You’ll want to make sure there’s enough room for the animal to move around without being able to escape. And finally, consider how much money you’re willing to spend on a trap. Traps can range in price from a few hundred dollars up into the thousands, so it’s important to set a budget before shopping around.

At Trapper Joe’s, we have all the mountain lion traps for sale that you could ever need or want. So take your time browsing our selection and find the perfect one for your needs today!

Mountain Lion Live Trap

If you have a problem with mountain lions on your property, one option for dealing with the issue is to live trap them. This involves setting up a cage with bait inside, and waiting for the mountain lion to enter the cage so that it can be safely removed from the area. There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering using a live trap for mountain lions.

First, make sure that the cage is large enough to accommodate an adult lion – they can grow up to 8 feet long! Second, use sturdy construction materials like heavy-duty wire mesh or welded steel, as mountain lions are powerful animals and could easily break through flimsier materials. Finally, baiting the trap with fresh meat or deer carcasses will likely be most successful in attracting a lion.

If you do decide to go ahead withlive trapping mountain lions, just be patient and remain vigilant – eventually, your efforts should pay off.

Mountain Lion Scent Lure

Mountain Lion Scent Lure Have you ever wanted to hunt mountain lions, but didn’t know how to get started? Well, there are a few things you need to know before you go out and buy a mountain lion scent lure.

First off, what is a mountain lion? A mountain lion is also known as a cougar, puma, or panther. They can be found in North and South America and are the largest cat in the western Hemisphere.

Mountain lions are shy and elusive by nature, which makes them difficult to hunt. However, if you use the proper techniques and equipment, you stand a good chance of success. When it comes to hunting mountain lions with hounds, one of the most important tools you will need is a good quality scent lure.

A scent lure is used to help hounds track down their prey. It is made from different compounds that imitate the smell of a particular animal. When used correctly, a scent lure can be very effective in helping hounds track down mountain lions.

There are many different types of scent lures on the market today. Some are made specifically for cougars, while others can be used for all types of big game animals. When choosing a scent lure, it is important to select one that has been proven to work well in your area.

You should also make sure that the lure you select is legal in your state or province before using it.

Comstock Mountain Lion Cage Trap

The Comstock Mountain Lion Cage Trap is a large, metal trap designed to capture mountain lions. It is manufactured by Comstock Metal Products, Inc., in Reno, Nevada. The trap is approximately 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet tall.

It has a heavy-duty steel frame and wire mesh walls. The door of the trap is controlled by a release mechanism that can be triggered remotely. The Comstock Mountain Lion Cage Trap is used by wildlife biologists and game wardens to capture mountain lions for research or relocation purposes.

It can also be used to protect livestock from predators. The trap has been used successfully to capture several hundred mountain lions since it was first introduced in the early 1990s.

Where Do Mountain Lions Live

Mountain lions are some of the most elusive and fascinating animals in North America. Though they once roamed throughout the continent, today they are mostly found in the western United States, with small populations in Florida and Canada. Here are some interesting facts about where mountain lions live:

Mountain lions typically inhabit areas with dense vegetation and plenty of prey. In North America, they are often found in mountainous regions, as well as forests and grasslands. Though they can be found in a variety of habitats, mountain lions prefer to stick to areas where there is adequate cover from which to ambush their prey.

They also like to have access to plenty of water. In terms of geographic range, mountain lions can be found throughout much of the western United States, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. There is also a small population of mountain lions in Florida.

One interesting thing about mountain lion habitat is that these big cats will actually avoid areas where there are humans present. So, if you’re ever looking for a place to see a mountain lion in the wild, your best bet is to head to a remote location!

How to Trap a Mountain Lion


What Do You Use to Bait a Mountain Lion?

Mountain lions are attracted to a variety of smells, so there is no one specific thing you can use to bait them. However, some common baits include: -Raw meat

-Fish -Poultry -Carrion

How Do You Get Rid of Mountain Lions?

Mountain lions are an apex predator, meaning they’re at the top of the food chain. As such, they play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem. But sometimes mountain lions can pose a threat to humans, which is why it’s important to know how to get rid of them safely and effectively.

The first step is to identify if there is actually a mountain lion on your property. They are typically shy creatures that avoid contact with humans, so sightings are rare. If you do see one, take a photo or video if possible and call your local wildlife authorities immediately.

They will be able to confirm if it is indeed a mountain lion and provide guidance on what to do next. If there is a confirmed mountain lion on your property, the next step is to make sure everyone in your household is aware of the situation and knows what to do. Keep all doors and windows shut and stay indoors as much as possible.

If you must go outside, be sure to keep small children and pets close by at all times. Avoid walking or hiking alone in areas where mountain lions have been spotted – instead go with a group of people and make plenty of noise! Once everyone in your household is safe inside, you can start working on getting rid of the mountain lion for good.

The best way to do this is by hazing it – making loud noises, throwing rocks or sticks, spraying it with water from a hose – anything that will make it feel unwelcome and encourage it to leave the area for good. Wildlife authorities may also recommend using non-lethal traps or bait stations loaded with food that will lure the mountain lion away from your property until it can be safely relocated elsewhere.

What Food Attracts Mountain Lions?

Mountain lions are attracted to a variety of foods, including deer, elk, rabbits and other small mammals. They will also eat birds, lizards and snakes. In some areas, mountain lions may also prey on domestic livestock such as sheep and cattle.

How Do You Get Rid of Mountain Lions on Your Property?

There are a few ways to get rid of mountain lions on your property. The most common is to use a combination of fences and guard dogs. Fences should be at least 8 feet tall and made of sturdy materials such as chain link or welded wire.

The bottom of the fence should be buried at least 18 inches deep to prevent the lion from digging underneath. Guard dogs can be used in conjunction with the fence to provide an additional layer of protection. When choosing a guard dog, it is important to select a breed that is large enough and aggressive enough to deter a mountain lion.

Some good choices include German shepherds, mastiffs, and dobermans. If you live in an area where mountain lions are known to roam, it is also important to take steps to secure your home. Make sure all doors and windows are securely closed and locked when you are not home.

Keep food stored in airtight containers and keep garbage cans tightly sealed. If you have small children or pets, consider keeping them indoors when possible. Mountain lions are typically shy around humans but they may become bold if they perceive us as prey.

US man accidentally traps a mountain lion, then painstakingly sets it free


The best way to trap a mountain lion is with a large cage trap baited with fresh meat. The trap should be placed in an area where the animal has been seen or where there are signs of its presence, such as tracks. Once the mountain lion is captured, it can be relocated to a more remote location.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”:[{“@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What Do You Use to Bait a Mountain Lion? “, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: ” Mountain lions are attracted to a variety of smells, so there is no one specific thing you can use to bait them. However, some common baits include: -Raw meat -Fish -Poultry -Carrion -Fruit ” } } ,{“@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How Do You Get Rid of Mountain Lions? “, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: ” Mountain lions are an apex predator, meaning they’re at the top of the food chain. As such, they play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem. But sometimes mountain lions can pose a threat to humans, which is why it’s important to know how to get rid of them safely and effectively. The first step is to identify if there is actually a mountain lion on your property. They are typically shy creatures that avoid contact with humans, so sightings are rare. If you do see one, take a photo or video if possible and call your local wildlife authorities immediately. They will be able to confirm if it is indeed a mountain lion and provide guidance on what to do next. If there is a confirmed mountain lion on your property, the next step is to make sure everyone in your household is aware of the situation and knows what to do. Keep all doors and windows shut and stay indoors as much as possible. If you must go outside, be sure to keep small children and pets close by at all times. Avoid walking or hiking alone in areas where mountain lions have been spotted – instead go with a group of people and make plenty of noise! Once everyone in your household is safe inside, you can start working on getting rid of the mountain lion for good. The best way to do this is by hazing it – making loud noises, throwing rocks or sticks, spraying it with water from a hose – anything that will make it feel unwelcome and encourage it to leave the area for good. Wildlife authorities may also recommend using non-lethal traps or bait stations loaded with food that will lure the mountain lion away from your property until it can be safely relocated elsewhere.” } } ,{“@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What Food Attracts Mountain Lions? “, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: ” Mountain lions are attracted to a variety of foods, including deer, elk, rabbits and other small mammals. They will also eat birds, lizards and snakes. In some areas, mountain lions may also prey on domestic livestock such as sheep and cattle.” } } ,{“@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How Do You Get Rid of Mountain Lions on Your Property? “, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: ” There are a few ways to get rid of mountain lions on your property. The most common is to use a combination of fences and guard dogs. Fences should be at least 8 feet tall and made of sturdy materials such as chain link or welded wire. The bottom of the fence should be buried at least 18 inches deep to prevent the lion from digging underneath. Guard dogs can be used in conjunction with the fence to provide an additional layer of protection. When choosing a guard dog, it is important to select a breed that is large enough and aggressive enough to deter a mountain lion. Some good choices include German shepherds, mastiffs, and dobermans. If you live in an area where mountain lions are known to roam, it is also important to take steps to secure your home. Make sure all doors and windows are securely closed and locked when you are not home. Keep food stored in airtight containers and keep garbage cans tightly sealed. If you have small children or pets, consider keeping them indoors when possible. Mountain lions are typically shy around humans but they may become bold if they perceive us as prey. By taking these precautions, you can help reduce the chances of encountering a mountain lion on your property” } } ] }

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